I happen to know the answer because I have studied hunger, its course, and its use in painless suicide. (No, I'm not killing myself).
A healthy human being can live about 45 to 65 days without food of any kind, as long as he continues to have access to water.
You can live without symptoms for as long as 30 to 35 days, but after that you will probably get a skin rash, diarrhea, and actually weight loss.
The body - as you should know - begins to eat on its own, starting with adipose tissue (i.e. fat) and subsequent muscle tissue.
Google Mahatma Gandhi, who sacrificed himself to starvation to death during the fourteenth voluntary hunger strike to bring awareness to India's independence movement.
Interestingly, there is ample evidence that hunger is a painless way to die. In fact, you are enjoying a good time when the body realizes that it is about to die.
Whether this is a divine gift or just a mystery of the brain is unknown.
In fact, the picture is not very good for all reports. Some victims of starvation have experienced severe itching, intolerable skin rashes, persistent diarrhea, swallowing pain, and edema.
In most cases, death comes when the limbs begin to degenerate after six to nine weeks. Usually the heart just stops.